In a world of propose and publish or perish, expectations are high - ensure they're exceeded.
Concierge Editing and Ghostwriting Services
We specialize in on-call review and strengthening of scientific and technical content. Teaming with you in a confidential partnership, we work to ensure that your ideas and research findings are communicated in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.
Precis offers unparalleled expertise in writing, editing, and final proofing of:
Precis Scientific - cogently communicating game-changing science since 1999.
Concierge Editing and Ghostwriting Services
We specialize in on-call review and strengthening of scientific and technical content. Teaming with you in a confidential partnership, we work to ensure that your ideas and research findings are communicated in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.
Precis offers unparalleled expertise in writing, editing, and final proofing of:
- original research manuscripts
- responses to peer reviewers
- review articles
- grant proposals and white-papers
- abstracts and cover letters
- dissertations
- standard operating procedures and product manuals
- posters and presentation materials
- conveyed merit
- emphasis and continuity
- strength of inference and conclusion
- perceived impact and relevance
- experimental design
Precis Scientific - cogently communicating game-changing science since 1999.